What is Biodanza

In the words of its founder, Rolando Toro Araneda, ‘The word Biodanza has two parts, bios (life) and danza (meaningful movement).’ I call it the ‘Dance of Life’. It transformed mine!

Discovering Biodanza

I’ve loved to dance for my whole life.

I was introduced to Biodanza at a dance festival around 2008. I already had much experience in personal development and free dance.  After joining one session of dancing Biodanza at a festival I woke up to the power that music and movement, in a new way.

I experienced the impact of the music speaking to me beyond words and the way that partner and group dynamics expanded my awareness about the way we live life together.

I felt free to play, to show myself in the dance, overcoming barriers around bias and tuning in deeply to my instincts and the language body was speaking.

There were some aspects of the system that I found immediately challenging and I continued to explore, wanting to grow through all parts.

It takes a minimum of three years to train as a Biodanza facilitator. (I took my time) qualifying as an International Biocentric Foundation registered teacher in 2014.

The teacher training journey had a profound impact on my life.  I later gained further specialist qualifications working with human instincts and elements and teaching adolescents and children.

Who founded Biodanza?  

Biodanza was founded by Rolando Toro Mario Araneda, born in Chile, originally an elementary school teacher in the 1960’s with a degree in psychology, a professor of the Centre of Medical Anthropology, School of Medicine, he dedicated himself to works for creating a more humane world. He did this by creating a scientific yet emotionally enriching system using music, conscious movement, and the progressive development of the group.

You can read more about Biodanza here about Biodanza and science research here

Hear Martiza from Denmark is speaking about her experience of attending a “Conscious Wellbeing Event” in Greece with me!


Over many years as a qualified Biodanza facilitator I have led movement and dance sessions in varied contexts.

So Biodanza is the possibility of dancing our own lives, of bringing music, rhythm, harmony and emotion into our communities and personal lives

Rolando Toro Araneda

A progressive journey

I am a qualified coach, NLP master and CNVC Certified Trainer in Nonviolent Communication, this influences the way I teach the principles of embodied.

Decades before I taught Biodanza, I was practicing yoga and led music and movement sessions for children using the High Scope key experiences. I also regularly danced Changes, 5 Rhythms, Jived and Danced Salsa and worked with the workshop 42 approach.

Here I am speaking about some of my work and embodiment journey with Mark Walsh – Embodiment Podcast Series

Expanding horizons

During the Covid-19 Lockdown 2020, Julia Hope Brightwell (who I met during a 3-year movement and dance teacher training) invited me to a conversation about developing a new dance system. This led to us creating the Dance Connection system.  

I lead NVC events and retreats using a variety of movement and dance modalities, including orthodox Biodanza vivencia. Creative and expressive conscious dance pathways inspired by Laban and Authentic movement and I bring principles of embodiment into my one to one coaching sessions with clients.

You can read more about how I work with Movement and Dance during workshops and retreats here


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