Leadership in work places can seem complex and frustrating at times. A Journey into Leadership with NVC is a transformational training which can support you to develop your personal presence, consider the impact of your approach and your openness in communication with customers and colleagues.
You’ll gain confidence in understanding and working with the dynamics of the team – fostering trust and inviting collaboration to solve problems and resolve conflicts. You’ll develop your coaching mentoring and skills for giving feedback.
Breath of experience
For over the past 25 years I have worked with thousands of leaders, helping them to embrace curiosity, courage, creativity, compassion and clarity – to cultivate empathy and work collaboratively. I can help you do this too.
I understand the theory of leadership and management and have direct practical experience of leading organisations, projects and many change initiatives, I’ve worked with numerous not for profit organisations, small businesses and corporations.
What will you get!
Over 4 days of attendance you will:
- Clarify your purpose, mission, and values
- Increase awareness of the impact of your style
- Be mindful of unconscious bias and proactive, in your relationships
- Uncover the talent and dynamic of your team, consider roles, tasks, decisions, inclusivity, and the management of tensions.
- Develop confidence in coaching, mentoring and working with Nonviolent Communication (known as Compassionate Communication) for giving feedback and resolving conflicts.
This programme will help you to embody your leadership capabilities; deepen your reflective practice and conscious intentions.
Your learning will be easy and at an accelerated rate. I use state of the art coaching and NLP techniques, helping you acquire many skills and capacities to increase your, emotional intelligence (EQ) and social skills.
It’s EQ, not IQ that makes leaders outstanding!
There is no better time, than right NOW for us to build a culture of empathy together in your workplace!
It is empathy in business, says the Harvard review Empathy Index that gets the best results “retaining the best people, creating environments where diverse teams thrive.
Top executives read Marshall Rosenberg’s book on Nonviolent Communication – a treatise on empathic collaboration. Nonviolent Communication (NVC) is central to the work we will complete together on this course.
Nonviolent Communication and Empathy is central to the success of this training. The sessions are active, engaging, creative and transformational.
Mindful Leadership
Teamwork and Collaboration
Empathy, Coaching and Mentoring
Communication through Conflict
You will be awarded a certificate for the hours or your attendance, showing your participation in the theory and practice of Nonviolent Communication at work. This will give you accredited hours with a Certified Trainer.
This is what some participants said after attending the course:
“This course is amazing it has benefitted me not only at work but in all aspects of my life.” Luci, London, UK
” This course was brilliant it really helped me to step forward as a leader, gave me new skills and understandings about connecting to myself and with others in a positive and compassionate way. “ Sarah, London UK
“Tracy really bought to life the real-life application of NVC to be more a more effective leader” – Mark, UK read more here
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