When we experience every situation in life as an opportunity to learn we give birth to an attitude of gratitude, which is the key to living a happy and fulfilled life.
Sometimes you may feel stuck in a problem, or overwhelmed with issues and not able to think clearly about the solutions that are open to you. This is not because you are not able to find solutions, it’s often because you are not hearing or seeing them.
Some people grumble that roses have thorns; I am grateful that thorns have roses – Alphonse Karr
Adopting a gratitude practice helps us to shine light on situations in our lives. The energy of Gratitude awakens a harmonious frequency within us that ripples out and suddenly things start to fall into place. Like attracts like – this is the Law of Attraction.
Gratitude is a way of life, it is to make a conscious choice to focus on life’s blessings and to find the golden threads even in the most challenging of circumstances.
How do we develop an attitude for gratitude ?
Well it’s certainly not the same as feeling indebted to people for their generousity towards us. And, it’s not about having to write thank you notes to everyone who came to your birthday party when you were a child.
I can remember feeling so embarrassed when my mum asked me to thank people who bought me presents that I didn’t even like. I couldn’t understand why I should say thank you for them – Did this ever happen to you?
I’m not suggesting that there is anything wrong with teaching your children ways to show appreciation, just to be mindful of how you do this.
When we are genuinely thankful, we naturally feel grateful.
I observed an incident that touched me deeply today.
I was in a restaurant, eating lunch when two young children (refugees) entered. They looked tired and their clothes were dirty. The waitress told them to leave. On their way out of the restaurant, a lady gave them some money and they ran to the food counter. Their faces lit up as soon as they received their chips, and with food in their mouths and hands they turned to us all and shouted, thank you, thank you.
Gratitude comes when our needs are met, this provides us with an inner sense of wellbeing, it gives us a zest for life.
1. Start a gratitude journal.
Set aside a few moments each day to remember 5 things you are grateful for writing them in a journal, or your could share them with another person: write a poem, draw a picture or simply take the time to remember the pleasure of these experiences. If you do this everyday for around 30 days, it will soon become natural. If it’s difficult to think of things to begin with, you can start simply by being thankful for waking up, having some food to eat, water to drink, a bed to sleep in, a family, your health.
When you spend time feeling how incredibly blessed you are, you will discover that this attitude begins to impact the rest of your day.
2. Appreciate nature and all of life
Take time to look up at the sky and breath the air, smell flowers and see the beauty of the natural world. Notice the spider weaving a web in the corner of your house; listen to the sound of the morning chorus; watch the sun rise on the horizon, enjoy the smell of the grass, full of early morning dew.
Search for ladybirds and seek out butterflies, play with puppies!
Watch babies; the mother gently stroking the hair of her child; the elderly people sitting on the bench chatting. Appreciate the way your partner welcomes you home after a long day’s work and brings you coffee in the morning.
3. Find something positive in what you might experience as a negative situation
Maybe you are stuck in a traffic jam and are going to be late for an appointment. Call and let them know what has happened, then relax. There is nothing you can do to move the traffic so, enjoy the ride. Listen to the radio or some music you enjoy, park up and go for a walk or engage in another activity that gives you pleasure until the traffic starts to move. Find the gift in being stuck in traffic and late for work!
4. Give and receive gratitude
Express yourself to others. Instead of saying “thank you; your brilliant; wonderful; I love you” Tell them what they did that was wonderful for you. Let them know how this blessed your life and how you felt. And, when others say “thank you” to you, be curious about what it was that you did to enrich their experience of life.
Bathe fully in the experience of Gratitude.
5. Accept death
Death can be so difficult to comprehend, especially when a loved one passes and yet, it is death that teaches us about life and about ourselves in a real, vulnerable and authentic way.
To accept death, as a part of life before our time runs out, is to fully connect to life and, just how pointless it is not to forgive people or hold grudges. Speak your truth and live with passion.
I could say so much more about this, but sense this is enough for now. I will keep my thoughts for another blog and chapter in my book.
An attitude of gratitude is cultivated through connection with all that is “good” in life it’s a high vibration that opens the heart.
Have you opened your eyes to gratitude?
Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; for it becomes your destiny. – Upanishads
cultivate an attitude of gratitude with children in schools
Cultivate an attitude of gratitude in your romantic relationships and in your parenting – Hailey Bartholomew describes this beautifully.
Each day is a journey to be lived. None of us knows if we will have tomorrow.
I hope our paths meet sometime and that gratitude embraces and fills you.
Hi Tracy
I simply Want to thank You for Your website, Your writen words And the videos You Shared.
It feels sweet to be reminded Of gratitude And Of the importance Of this Day, today as a gift.
I am glad to know That You work with Children And people Who engage with them.
May be Will talk You And I to see If we can enrich each other’ s life.
I look Forward to talk more.
Wishing You a Great Day
Hi Remi,
Thanks for your comment I really appreciate you taking the time to share with me how much you enjoyed reading this blog and my website. I look forward to meeting sometime Tracy 🙂