If you are angry – be angry.
Shout from the top of the mountain how angry you are.
If you are sad – be sad;
Weep into the well of despair.
Don’t let your heart close.
Or let your voice be silenced.
Speak openly.
Accept confusion.
Mourn the longings you hoped would be realised.
Find gratitude for them – they belong to you.
Love deeply.
Appreciate moments.
Give and receive with all your heart.
Awaken to your senses—
Hear the roar of the lion
Feel the warmth,
Touch and the silence of your soul
Taste the sweetness.
Live fully.
Copyright Tracy Seed
That is an amazing poem. I liked the contents and the lyrics. The poem encouraged me to own my own anger when I get angry as anger is like a light on dashboard car.
If we ignore the light of our dashboard we might damage our car or risk our our own safety. Thus anger is an important emotion.
Thanks for sharing this wonderful poem, Tracy.
I appreciate you reading and commenting and am pleased the poem supported you to connect with your own anger I love the metaphor that it is a light on the dashboard of he car, if we ignores it we can be at risk of hurting ourself and others. Thank you for sharing your insights here:)