Written by Emmanuel Manjura, Massai Leader published in Resurgence Magazine No 264
Leadership is for everyone
Leadership is supposed to be for everyone,
So every child or every person is supposed to act like a leader;
So you should lead your own family, you should lead your own life.
As a child grows, he’s given the responsibility of taking care of the lambs, the goats, the sheep,
she’s shown he’s responsible. When he grows up more he becomes a warrior.
We are initiated to become warriors and we then go to the bush for training; training to be leaders,
training how to take our community forward, how to protect our community and all that wisdom.
To become a respected leader in the Massai community, you have to first of all to show a good example.
When you are a leader you should respect everybody, you should respect children, the whole community.
You don’t bully people, you don’t tell people “do this”, commanding people no.
Instead, you have respect.
Do you have a favourite quote or story to share with me about leadership?
I’d love to hear it. This is one of mine:
“Peace cannot be built on the foundations of fear.”
― Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life
Leaders who radiate positive energy attract followers. It’s well known that leaders and in fact anyone who radiates positive energy is likely to attract those who want to be around them and will be more successful in leadership roles. Read more about this here.
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