Level 2 Intermediate NVC Embody self empathy and compassion
On this training, we dive into the world of our inner being.
The invitation is to explore self-empathy and self-compassion through NVC experiential exercises which include: listening, discussion, meditation, movement, and contemplation.
The focus is to deepen our understanding of the language our mind, emotion, and body speaks.
- Discover what prevents us from taking actions to meet our needs fully.
- Translate our inner judgments through empathic presence and understanding to restore our inner balance.
- Cultivate more self-compassion in your life
This training includes around 90 minutes of Authentic Movement and Conscious Dance for increased somatic awareness and the embodiment of self-empathy.
Read the information about this event here
This workshop experience and coaching is for educational purposes it is not a substitute for psychological intervention or medical care. Paying the FEE confirms that you accept the terms and conditions of my service.
Individual rates (if you are paying for the training from your own pocket):
If you earn less than :£20,000 before tax: £85
If you earn between £20,000 – £30,000 before tax: £130
If you earn between £30,000 – £45,000 before tax: £165
If you earn more than £45,000 before tax: £220
I am willing to dialogue with you if these prices would prevent you from coming. Please contact me.
Organisational rates (if your employer is paying for your place on the training)
Small Charity rate: £135 (If you work for a charity with fewer than 15 employees).
Public sector / Large Charity rate: £170(If you work for a public sector organisation, such as a local council or the NHS, or a charity with more than 15 employees).
Private sector rate: £220 (If you work for a profit making company).
Concessions available: if any of the above prices would prevent you from coming, please contact me