Kidz Danza sessions are engaging and educational for children. Young children spend a lot of time during their early childhood, moving and also not moving enough and it seems the situation is worsening. Children sit in buggies, bouncers, walkers and other contraptions. They are strapped into car … [Read more...]
Democracy and freedom work together in pre-school.
Empowering children to express themselves: to understand what equality and inclusiveness mean and to learn about the use of power and being part of a community in the widest sense, is essential for the well-being of our global community. I've enjoyed many visits to pre-schools where these values … [Read more...]
Imagine yourself as a two-year-old- Written by my dear friend and colleague, Penny Vine, Early Years Consultant, CNVC Trainer. Penny tells me she was inspired to write this after reading a piece on imagining a child’s world by Warwick Pudney and Elaine Whitehouse, authors of Little Volcanoes. … [Read more...]
Entering school at 2 years old!
The debate about formal too soon has been around for as long as I can remember. It's strange, considering how much we know about the way young children learn. “Countries where children start more formal learning at six or seven actually overtake us as the children get older.” Dame Gillian … [Read more...]
I’m only two- Tracy Seed
I love to run around and around, and climb inside cupboards, too, To tip every thing out of boxes and put things down the loo I love to put things around my neck and to be swaddled in a blanket by you. I need your help when I’m upset because I don’t know what to do. My emotions wash all … [Read more...]
Why is it important to say goodbye?
“ Is it best to say goodbye to our child, instead of sneaking away when he plays happily in his childcare setting?" This is the question that one mother posted in an online discussion. "When we say goodbye he gets very upset and it takes him 5 or 10 minutes to settle. Whereas, when we sneak out … [Read more...]
What are schema behaviours?
Why do young children tip everything out of cupboards? Have you ever wondered why children tip everything out of cupboards, line things up, put things in their pockets and spin around and around? Or why some old people make little piles of items all over the house and fold pieces of paper and … [Read more...]